Dynamic Lead Group

About Dynamic Lead Group

DLG Is a platform that uses technology and media to connect individuals to licensed professional life, health, Retirement Specialist or Medicare insurance professional. These licensed agents are brokers that offer impartial advice on products which will help and benefit families in the long term financially.

Dynamic Lead Group

Our Vision

Is that agents use our platform and technology to connect with everyone that needs unbiased and impartial council in getting a retirement, life, healthcare or Medicare insurance plan. Agents who use or technology can now invite other industry professionals and help them build their distribution ecosystem to benefit the general public. We hope agents seize this opportunity to grow their independent practice in their communities.

Dynamic Lead Group

Our Mission

Is to connect anyone in need of health, life or Medicare insurance with a licensed professional insurance agents. These licensed professionals can provide the general public with insurance products that would provide long term financial benefits for families. We welcome any advice from the public to make our service better. Contact us anytime.