If you are an insurance agent that works form home or you door knock; you can earn an unlimited amount of income monthly, without spending money on leads. With our Free Leads Program; agents do not have to put cash up front that will cut into their profit making it easier for agents to put money back towards his/her family and lifestyle.
We run paid Google, Facebook and Email ads weekly and monthly online all year round throughout the entire USA. These ads we run are for “Affordable Life Insurance“. The individuals who are interested will click on the ad to receive a quote. After receiving a quote they are then taken to a landing page to fill out information and to receive a call from an agent. We have fresh leads coming in constantly so that agent can keep generating new business. The only thing agents have to do is close the individuals on the amount of coverage they need. Agent need to be contracted with one company once they join our website. We do not give free leads to uncontracted agents. Agent need to be contracted with one company once they join our website. We do not give free leads to uncontracted agents.
There is no upfront cost associated to our program. We have two programs
Plan 1 Agent must first write 3 policies and SPONSOR one other agent to receive their first 20 leads. Each time the agent writes 3 or more policies the agent will get an additional 20 leads… these agents are contracted at 80%
Plan 2 Agent must first SPONSOR 5 agents that contracts and write 3 policies that agent will receive their first 15 leads. Each time the agent writes 3 policies or more the agent will get an additional 15 leads… these agents are contracted at 100%
Override: All agents who sponsor another agent will automatically receive an override on the agents business forever as long as they are on our network and the agents continue to do business.
Most of our agents are experienced agents and know what they are doing. While we do not offer training currently we are interested in giving an additional salary or income to those successful agents using the site. We believe the best place to hire for this position is from within; as we will know the potential of the individual and that they know our system. Salary will start out at $50,000 annually In addition to what the agent does in commissions. We will base that on the agent performance as far as policies written and their retention. This offer will be made directly to those who have opened more than 50 new policies in a six month period
Commissions are paid by the insurance carrier daily on a 9 months advance. Renewals are from 3 to 5% annually paid by the insurance carrier.
Overrides are paid by us, and are totally transparent on the website. All overrides can be seen on the Agent Overrides section of the website.