Our service provides agents with their own personal marketing page, agents can post to social media and collect data that comes directly to your CRM for clients interested in purchasing life insurance. Simply copy the link and send it to interested parties or just ask friends to send your information to people who may be interested in your services.
Eliminate manual data entry and improve data accuracy with our touchless CRM. Designed to collect information on prospects that fill out their information on your personal marketing page. This information is collected in your CRM automatically so you have potential clients to go back to with accurate information. We are dedicating these efforts so that clients as well as agents are always on the same page, as far as where they are in their decision-making. It is important as we want to make sure clients are getting the products they are truly interested in purchasing. Our CRM is designed for Medicare, Life Insurance, and Annuity clients.
We have a state-of-the-art phone and messaging system connected to our CRM. Agents can call clients at the click of a button from the client's account page. Agents also can choose to use our SMS messaging system, whether you want to contact one client or one thousand clients at the same time; you will have that capability. Join today and connect our phone system with our state-of-the-art CRM.
All agents are able to access their insurance carrier page with ease to open accounts or track the status of what is going on with anyone of their accounts.